Some of my master-peices

 Hello Readers,

Welcome back to my blog. You may not know that I love to Draw and Paint. Today, I will show you some of My Art Master-Pieces. I hope you enjoy them. Please leave a comment at the bottom on how good I drew them.
  • For the Lotus, I started by drawing a few pedals. Then, I drew a circle. The 1st time I drew it, it came out horrible. It took me 18 tries to get this right. It's true, " Practice makes us perfect."
  • This masterpiece was a drawing of me with my cousins. I am on the left, and my older cousin is on the right of me, and to her right are my younger cousins. On the extreme right, my baby cousin is there. If this drawing catches your interest, follow the steps I share here on how to draw them.

    1. The first step is to draw a beautiful circle for the head. If you need help, you can use a compass. I am not talking about a compass that leads the direction. This compass is for drawing geometry figures in math, but I am using it for art. If you scroll the wheel upon the compass, it will extend to a larger arc. You can change the setting on your compass if you want a larger or a smaller head/circle. I put approximately two and a half cm.
  • 2. You can design the hair whatever type you want. I put earrings and a braid. If you can't draw a braid, you can draw some x's and look like a braid. I drew x's inside of the twist. 
  • 3. Draw the neck. The neck can be as big as you want, but I put a collar that would fit the face because my face was medium-sized. Draw lightly with a pencil; otherwise, you may make a mistake and will have to restart.
  • 4. After you draw the neck-line, you have to draw a shirt/gown. I am drawing a gown because I am good at drawing them.
  • 5. We have finished half of the person; now we have to draw the shoes and the gown/pants. It's ok if it comes out bad because you can always erase and fix it.

  • This is how you make those.
  • Now I will show you how to make

  • 1. I will tell you how to make the left person. First, create a circle. Then make hair around her and connect it. You can put a headband on her. I prefer to use a pen for that. If you don't know how to draw perfect hands, just a draw rectangle with no edges and put a little line through the hand in the middle.

  • 2. Now make a gown. I tried to make an Indian dress. So that's why there is a pattern at the bottom of the dress. And I separated the Top & Bottom of the dress, so the people who see it know that there is a Top & Bottom.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog. Stay tuned for more updates!!! 

                             Your Favorite Blogger,
                                                          Anika A


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